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Time for a change? Farms achieve IAV-S-negative pigs after switching to whole-herd vaccination

DISCOVERIES, Issue 29: IAV-S continues to frustrate US pork producers. From respiratory problems to reproductive challenges, this rapidly changing virus negatively impacts productivity and...

New PRRS 1-4-4 L1C variant presents dramatic symptoms, quick spread

A new variant of the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus 1-4-4 L1C strain is challenging veterinarians, diagnosticians and swine herds in the upper Midwest.

Study compares PRRSV antibody-sampling options for sows

When it comes to porcine reproductive and respiratory virus it’s important for the veterinarian and farm personnel to know the health status of a herd or barn.

Adequate gilt acclimation helps minimize the PRRSV ‘tax’

By Clayton Johnson, DVM Carthage Veterinary Service Integrated Veterinary Network

Tails or testicles: Which are better for PRRSV monitoring?

Pooled serum samples are a common method to monitor PPRSV in piglets. But this typically involves a limited number of samples, which reduces the sensitivity and makes detection especially challenging...

Non-thermal plasma reactors can inactivate PRRSV

Hog-farm biosecurity measures have largely focused on minimizing the transmission of infectious agents on various surfaces. However, it’s been shown that PRRSV — and possibly other respiratory...

Close to the finish: How grower pigs spread PRRS to sow farms

It’s time to consider the role finishing pigs play in the spread of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) to sow farms, according to Montserrat Torremorell, DVM, PhD,...

PCR falls short in monitoring PRRSV transport biosecurity

Transport biosecurity is a growing priority as evidence shows that contaminated livestock trailers are a significant risk in spreading viruses between herds.

Antibiotic use at weaning can reduce acute illness in pigs

The transition into the nursery phase for just-weaned pigs presents many challenges as they adapt to a new diet, a new environment and increased competition. Young pigs often need some extra help.

Neurological disease in pigs linked to Sapelovirus

An outbreak of a severe, atypical neurologic disease in 11-week-old pigs has been linked to a novel sapelovirus and may be the first case of its kind in the US, according to a recently published...

Unloading docks at processing plants appear to be source of PRRSV

Unloading docks at processing plants may be one way that livestock trailers become contaminated with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV).

Oropharyngeal swabs offer alternative for PRRSV diagnosis in wean-age pigs

Taking oropharyngeal swabs — that is, samples from the tonsils — appears to be an effective alternative means for detecting PRRSV in wean-age pigs, especially when the prevalence of infection is...

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