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Sow mortality records need an overhaul

The upward trendline of sow mortality needs to be addressed. But until farms have a clearer understanding of why a gilt or sow leaves the breeding herd, progress will be limited.

Measuring the direct and indirect costs of sow mortality

When breeding animals die, are culled prematurely, or need to be humanely euthanized, there are direct costs involved with the outcome, but the indirect costs are less obvious.

Gilt selection: Too often overlooked in the sow mortality equation

One way to advance sow productivity and longevity is to select the right replacement-gilt candidates and prepare them properly for the job ahead.

Caregivers play a leading role in individual sow care and longevity

Caregiver management and training are top priorities on swine farms as productivity hinges on the outcome. Yet few things are more challenging.

Swine experts discuss sow-care challenges, solutions and future needs

The sow herd is the engine that drives a hog farm’s downstream productivity. But since the 1990s, sow mortality has been on the rise across the country.

Sow mortality trends: Experts dissect the current state of affairs

Keeping sow mortality rates in check is critical to a farm’s productivity and cost structure. Yet in recent years, the US pork industry has seen sow mortality rise.

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