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North American PRRS Symposium Breakfast Roundtable

North American PRRS Symposium Breakfast Roundtable

Please join Zoetis at a breakfast roundtable discussion December 4 at the North American PRRS Symposium in Chicago.

During this session, you will hear from international experts about relevant topics in the management of emerging and foreign diseases, including practical applications of surveillance, an update on the PRRSV 1C 144 outbreak in the US, and ASF preparedness in the US.

The event will also be livestreamed and is open to all registered participants. Upon registration, you will receive an email with room details and a livestream link.

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    Field Outreach: Addressing emerging and foreign disease threats
    NA PRRS Symposium
    Chicago, USA
    Saturday, December 4, 2021
    7:00 – 8:30am CT

    Speakers and topics:

    Mariana Kikuti, DVM, MPH, PhD, University of Minnesota: Latest epidemiology research on PRRSV Lineage 1C 144 in the US

    Tyler Holck, DVM, MS, MBA, Swine Health Information Center: Preparedness plan for prevention of ASF introduction in the US

    Jeff Zimmerman, DVM, PhD, Iowa State University: Understanding the right surveillance tools for emerging and foreign diseases

    Host/Moderator: Jose Angulo, DVM, Zoetis

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