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It’s back: Clinical outbreak of PCV2 in genetic herds reported

A clinical outbreak of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) occurred this past winter in otherwise healthy, well-vaccinated herds, Clayton Johnson, DVM, of Carthage Veterinary Service, told Pig Health...

The changing face of PCV: Virus experts compare notes on evolving pathogen in US swine herds

Clinical disease due to porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) has been dramatically reduced thanks to vaccination, but concern remains about the persistence of PCV2 subclinical infection, even in...

Don’t get complacent with evolving PCV2 virus

Vaccines for porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) currently do an adequate job of cross protecting against new genotypes of the virus, but swine veterinarians and producers shouldn’t let their guard...

Using diagnostics to optimize PCV2 vaccination

By Don McDermid, DVM, Swine Veterinary Services Manager, Zoetis, Kirkland, Quebec, Canada

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