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Water: An often-overlooked factor in pig health

Water doesn’t get the attention it deserves because it is abundant, easy to access and inexpensive, but that will change in the future, said John Patience, PhD, professor at Iowa State University.

Pipestone nutritionist highlights advancements to improve pig health

Producers know if a pig has good gut health in the nursery, it’s more likely to get off to a good start in the grow-finish barn. But with increased pressure on antibiotic use, nutritionists are...

On the road again? Be careful not to pig out

Swine veterinarians putting in long days on the road caring for pigs should be just as cognizant of their own health and nutritional needs.

Does PRRS influence weaned pigs’ nutritional response?

In the past 30 years, the growth and body composition of US market hogs has changed dramatically, but the same cannot be said for dietary vitamin and mineral levels.

Good nutrition, management can’t replace antibiotics, but they can help reduce the need

Producers looking to raise pigs with little or no antibiotics should consider nutritional strategies that help pigs build more immunity, according to Mike Tokach, PhD.

7 steps to increasing weaned piglet feed intake

Adapting feeding management to piglet biology can get piglets eating within hours of weaning and avoid issues with hunger and dehydration, according to a pig nutritionist.

Reproductive performance linked to live-weight and back-fat gains

Paying closer attention to both sow live weight and back-fat depth could help farmers improve reproductive performance in breeding herds, scientists report.

Changing gut bacteria could boost herd productivity

Making use of unconventional feeds to alter the bacteria living in pig guts could make herds more productive and less likely to need antibiotics, scientists report. Rosie Nold, associate professor at...

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