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Performance — not serology or PCR — is best indicator of modified-live PRRS vaccine efficacy

TOOLBOX, Issue 24: Noel Garbes DVM, senior technical services veterinarian, Zoetis, recently talked with editors of Pig Health Today about measuring modified-live PRRS vaccine efficacy.

Why monitor swine herds for PCV2?

TOOLBOX, Issue 23: Noel Garbes DVM, senior technical services veterinarian, Zoetis, recently talked with editors of Pig Health Today about monitoring swine herds for PCV2.

Two-dose Fostera® Gold PCV MH regimen yields performance advantages

DISCOVERIES, Issue 16: Pigs in a study that received two doses of Fostera® Gold PCV MH, the new Zoetis vaccine for PCV2 and M. hyo, had numerically fewer reactions, less morbidity, less mortality.

Parvovirus still poses threat to breeding herd

For as long as anyone can remember, pork producers have vaccinated gilts for parvovirus. Now that outbreaks are rare, is it necessary to vaccinate the entire breeding herd? 

Getting pigs off to a good start with better gut health

Improved education of caretakers is one way pork producers can help ensure their pigs have a healthy gut and get off to a good start, Noel Garbes, DVM, technical services veterinarian, Zoetis, told...

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