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What’s in a name? Understanding how flu viruses are identified can help fine-tune swine vaccine strategies

By Micah Jansen, DVM, Veterinary Manager, US Pork, Zoetis

Research confirms co-circulation of multiple influenza strains

Influenza A virus in swine (IAV-S) is increasingly challenging for US producers, primarily because the epidemiology of IAV-S involves a highly diverse pool of viruses.

Time for a change? Farms achieve IAV-S-negative pigs after switching to whole-herd vaccination

DISCOVERIES, Issue 29: IAV-S continues to frustrate US pork producers. From respiratory problems to reproductive challenges, this rapidly changing virus negatively impacts productivity and...

3 steps to prepare your herd for influenza season

Pigs can contract influenza anytime during the year but more influenza circulates in the fall and winter months. That’s why producers should prepare ahead of the traditional flu season.

Individual sow care offers benefits throughout the farm

Pig health and performance begin with the sow, which is why it’s critical for caregivers and production managers to evaluate each sow’s health, body condition, comfort, behavior and well-being...

Five ways to get better returns on your swine-health program

The pork industry uses a wide variety of vaccinations and medications for managing viral and bacterial diseases. Micah Jansen, DVM, Zoetis, identifies five areas where producers can improve returns...

Part 1: Vaccine storage and handling

A common mistake made with vaccines involves improper handling of the vaccines. From the time the products arrive on the farm until they are used, the vaccines must be properly stored, following...

Part 2: Selecting and training caregivers for effective vaccination

A common mistake made with vaccines involves improper handling of the vaccines. From the time the products arrive on the farm until they are used, the vaccines must be properly stored, following...

Part 3: Vaccine training more important as pork industry rethinks antibiotics

The new veterinary feed directive rules regarding the use of antibiotics in feed makes the use of vaccinations more important to maintain optimum swine health. If pigs receive proper vaccinations...

Part 4: Training benefits antibiotic programs, too

A well-trained caregiver becomes the first line of defense against disease in a hog unit. If they are trained to recognize the first signs of disease in pig units, they can alert management...

Part 5: Feed medications still play an important role in swine health

Veterinarians know the history of disease that may pop up within different hog systems. Depending on the situation, they may decide that a feed antibiotic is the best route to treat the pigs.

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