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PCV2 vaccine for swine elicits strong cell-mediated immune response

DISCOVERIES, Issue 9: A porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) vaccine from Zoetis produces a robust and lasting cell-mediated immune response.

High prevalence of PCV2 recombinants highlights importance of broad vaccine coverage

DISCOVERIES, Issue 21: A recent analysis of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) genetic sequences shows that up to 25% of field strains are recombinants of diverse genotypes, highlighting the importance...

Rate of PCV2 recombination not widely recognized

TOOLBOX, Issue 16: An interview with Meggan Bandrick, DVM, PhD Associate Director, Global Biologics Research, Zoetis

Evolution of PCV2 virus, need for broader coverage spurred development of Fostera® Gold PCV MH

DISCOVERIES, Issue 7: Compelling scientific evidence indicating the need for an updated porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) vaccine was the driving force behind the development of Fostera® Gold PCV...

Scientist ‘pops the hood’ on US pork industry’s newest vaccine for PCV2

What is “cell-mediated immunity” and how does it affect vaccine performance? Are two PCV2 genotypes necessarily better than one? And what does a monster from Greek mythology have to do with...

Part 1: Cell-mediated immunity critical to vaccine performance

What is “cell-mediated immunity” and how does it affect vaccine performance? Are two PCV2 genotypes necessarily better than one? And what does a monster from Greek mythology have to do with...

Part 2: Why two PCV2 genotypes are better than one

What is “cell-mediated immunity” and how does it affect vaccine performance? Are two PCV2 genotypes necessarily better than one? And what does a monster from Greek mythology have to do with...

Part 3: Chimeric vaccines combine strengths of each antigen to provide better coverage

What is “cell-mediated immunity” and how does it affect vaccine performance? Are two PCV2 genotypes necessarily better than one? And what does a monster from Greek mythology have to do with...

Epitope-comparison study illustrates broad coverage of Fostera Gold® PCV MH against PCV2 viruses

DISCOVERIES, Issue 4: Swine disease specialists speculated that a PCV2 vaccine containing two genotypes — PCV2a and PCV2b — would significantly improve the coverage provided against PCV2...

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