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Fostera® PRRS effective, lasting, safe despite ‘worst-case’ challenges

DISCOVERIES, Issue 26: It’s well known that modified-live PRRS vaccines help reduce production losses in breeding herds with PRRS. But when the challenge is especially severe, how well and for how...

Don’t lose sight of M. hyo while battling other swine pathogens

TOOLBOX, Issue 1: An interview with Lucina Galina Pantoja, DVM, PhD, Director, Swine Technical Services, Zoetis 

Early vaccination with Fostera PRRS, long DOI can help stem PRRS losses in growers

DISCOVERIES, Issue 28: Vaccination as early as 1 day of age with Fostera® PRRS coupled with the vaccine’s long duration of immunity can help pork producers stem the significant economic losses in...

Performance — not serology or PCR — is best indicator of modified-live PRRS vaccine efficacy

TOOLBOX, Issue 24: Noel Garbes DVM, senior technical services veterinarian, Zoetis, recently talked with editors of Pig Health Today about measuring modified-live PRRS vaccine efficacy.

Ct values predict PRRS nursery mortality, can guide vaccination decisions

DISCOVERIES, Issue 18: Obtaining cycle threshold (Ct) values based on processing fluids provides a practical way to identify neonatal pigs at risk for nursery mortality associated with PRRS and can...

Fostera® PRRS protects against diverse PRRS virus field strains

DISCOVERIES, Issue 19: PRRS has been described as one of the most important swine diseases of the last half-century. An estimated 20% to 25% of herds are still affected, and the syndrome remains the...

Neonatal pigs with low levels of viremia may benefit from PRRS vaccination

TOOLBOX, Issue 19: An interview with Jose Angulo, DVM, PRRS Specialist, Managing Veterinarian, Zoetis 

Herd performance best measure of PRRS vaccine efficacy

TOOLBOX, Issue 9: An interview with Jose Angulo, DVM, PRRS Specialist, Managing Veterinarian, Zoetis 

Iowa veterinarian sees benefits to early PRRS vaccination

It takes 3 to 4 weeks for pigs to develop immunity against PRRSV after vaccination with a modified-live vaccine, so vaccinating early gives them the time they need to develop immunity by nursery age,...

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