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Part 2: Selecting and training caregivers for effective vaccination

Vaccinations challenge most pig caregivers. The task is physically and mentally exhausting. Yet administering a vaccine properly continues to be one of the most important things done for a pig in its lifetime.

Selecting and properly training caregivers helps ensure vaccinations are completed correctly. Unfortunately, training is not always conducted in a thorough manner. High turnover, language difficulties, as well as other issues in different hog units contribute to lapses in caregiver training.

“We have to arm these people with as much knowledge as we can,” Jansen stated. “They need to understand why they are giving vaccines and how vaccines work.

“And if they care about pigs and understand the importance of vaccines, they are more likely to go above and beyond,” she added. “If they administer the vaccine to a pig and it moves, they are going to chase that pig down and make sure it gets a full dose. Those people are very hard to find.”


Watch the full interview or each part separately:

Full interview: Five ways to get better returns on your swine-health program

Part 1: Vaccine storage and handling

Part 2: Selecting and training caregivers for effective vaccination

Part 3: Vaccine training more important as pork industry rethinks antibiotics

Part 4: Training benefits antibiotic programs, too

Part 5: Feed medications still play an important role in swine health


Posted on March 12, 2018

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US producers and veterinarians have seen an influx of different types of influenza viruses in the last 10 to 15 years, and that is a major reason why influenza is more difficult to control.

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