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Part 1: Sow mortality: It wasn’t always this way

Sow mortality rates in the US have increased dramatically in recent years and now average about 15%.

While pelvic prolapses and lameness are among the most visible conditions associated with sow mortality, 39% of sow deaths are categorized as unknown.

Pig Health Today talked with six experts about the alarming trend and, most important, what should be done to address the problem.


Watch the full interview or each part separately:

Full interview: What’s behind the surge in sow mortality?

Part 1: Sow mortality: It wasn’t always this way

Part 2: Sow mortality drivers

Part 3: Reducing sow mortality begins with animal selection

Part 4: Inflammation: A chronic problem for sows

Part 5: Insights from a 5,000-sow, 62-farm survey on sow mortality

Part 6: The importance of sow nutrition

Part 7: Being proactive and focusing on individual sow care




Posted on November 19, 2019

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  • Deen: We’re underestimating the cost of sow mortality

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